Sister Nirmala: Answering God’s call

Sister Nirmala is a missionary currently based in Chennai. She runs the Marialaya project, a name which means ‘House of Mary’. Like Mary, Sr Nirmala and her fellow Sisters have…

A joyful celebration in Fundong Parish

Our Christmas appeal this year features Fr Noah’s Mission Station in Fundong, Cameroon. Missio supporters are helping to fund the building of much-needed classrooms to accommodate children fleeing conflict from…

Singing out with Mission Together!

During Advent, we asked schools across England and Wales to sing with Mission Together. The response has kept us rejoicing throughout Advent! This year, Mission Together (Missio’s children’s branch) created…

Join Missio to journey through Advent!

Missio is excited to share opportunities to connect and reflect throughout the Season of Advent. Last year saw most of us staying home for Advent, unable to connect with family,…