Missio, including Mission Together, is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all people and recognise our particular responsibility towards children, young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect (adult at risk). Missio has a particular involvement with schools and young people, which is reflected in the policy.

We recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and the best interest of the individual is paramount. For the purposes of this policy an adult at risk is any person who is aged 18 years or over and at risk of abuse or neglect because of their needs for care and or support.[1]

Details of Missio/Mission Together’s Safeguarding Leads can be found in the policy, accessible below.

This policy will be updated at least annually and/or when further advice and guidance is published by the government or advice agencies. It is available to everyone working in school and young people environments.

Download a PDF of Missio’s Safeguarding Policy below.


Safeguarding Policy 17.5.21