Thank you for joining us each week for our Mission Rosary – Missio’s beautiful way to pray for the world.
Often when we pray for the world, our hearts and minds naturally turn to those areas experiencing conflict. The season of Lent begins this week; in this season of reconciliation we pray especially that our fragile and precious world may find new pathways of peace.
Throughout the Season of Lent, we invite you to join us in praying for peace for our entire human family around the world. We begin by praying for families: our first experience of community and the foundational stones of peaceful societies.
‘If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.’
-St. Mother Teresa
Join Missio this Lent
We believe working hard and juggling commitments shouldn’t mean you miss out on spending time with God, or on the peace and fulfilment that prayer can bring. That’s why we’ve designed a flexible Lenten journey guide that fits with you. To join Missio for Lent, click here>>