Pupils at St Thomas More Catholic High School, Crewe recently set the standard for fantastic fundraising with their International Evening, which raised £226.95 for Mission Together, Missio’s children’s branch.
The event was organised by the Year 10 Mission Team, and was a true team effort, with pupils, parents and staff running food stalls, so guests could sample food from countries around the world. Pupils also provided entertainment, which highlighted the arts from many different countries.
Our amazing school family
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Packham shared:
‘We had two weeks of assemblies called ‘We are Family assemblies’, which were delivered by the pupils. Each pupil involved talked about their country, culture, heritage, family and we prayed in their countries’ language.
‘The assemblies were beautiful and really educated us in so many different cultures within our own St Thomas More family. We learnt about language, foods, dress, hobbies, geography, history, religion and settlement here in Crewe.
‘We have been celebrating our school culture with International Evening for about 7 years, but this was only the second year that we have tied it in with our cultural assemblies.
‘To celebrate these assemblies, we ended with International Evening, where the children pledged to cook and bring in samples of their cuisine. Guests bought a food ticket, each for 50p, then spent their tickets on the stalls sampling a huge variety of foods.’

Raising funds for our global family
The money the students raised will go to support the education, healthcare, and pastoral care of children and young people in mission dioceses overseas. Mrs Packham explains:
‘As a school our mission comes from our Catholic Social Teachings. Our children and staff incorporate these teachings throughout school life, in the curriculum, in our policy making and in our actions. This special evening was a celebration of our call to action by the Church.’
‘International Evening was amazing. Our staff, pupils, families and community all came together to celebrate diversity and equality. We ate our way around the world!’
A huge thank you to the pupils and staff of St Thomas More! We are so inspired by your faith and generosity. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Get inspired – Get involved!
Celebrating the vibrant diversity and beauty of God’s global family is such an important part of our Church life. We’d love to hear from you if you are raising money for Missio and Mission Together – and if St Thomas More School has inspired you, here are some helpful links to get involved with us:
- In this final school term, many schools hold a Day of Many Colours – Mission Together’s special day where pupils can celebrate their place within God’s global family. You can find out more, and download assemblies, activities, games and prayers here>>
- Already holding an event? Don’t forget to share details of your day with us – you can contact us via our website or tag us on Twitter (@MissioUK) Instagram (@Missio_UK) and Facebook (@MissioUK).
- Fundraising is a brilliant way to support our sisters and brothers in need all year round. Find our suggestions and tips here>>.
- Last year, our amazing supporters helped more than 21,000 of the world’s poorest children through fundraising and praying for Mission Together. Thank you all so much! Please continue to help us bring hope to children around the world! Find out how on our children’s branch website: missiontogether.org.uk