Everyday life can sometimes get in the way of spiritual life and especially finding time to pray. And the summer holidays can be a particularly tricky juggle! If you are looking for ways to occupy little ones or bring a spiritual aspect to family time, here are some clever ways to keep prayer front and centre and God’s Global family in mind. 

Printable Prayer Prompts

Our Prayer Prompts are a versatile way to bring a more spiritual dimension to your day. Download these free printables to use in your own way. You can use them on your own or in a group; at work, in your prayer group, as a family… the possibilities are endless! Here are some of our favourite ideas:

  • Take them with you on a picnic, camping trip or prayer walk
  • Put one in each person’s place at dinner
  • Use them for a spot of mindful colouring
  • Print them on card and send them as postcards to people who might need some spiritual inspiration today
  • Pick one that particularly speaks to you and keep it to hand through the day.
  • Cut them out, fold them up and put them in a jar. Pick one at random whenever you want a moment of mindfulness.

More activities for kids 

Are you looking for ways to keep holidays and weekends meaningful for children? Our FREE Mission Together resources for children in England and Wales are not just designed for schools; many of them work equally well in a home or holiday setting. Our favourites for your school break are here:

Words for our World

Help children journey through our global home by reading books based within each of the Mission Rosary continents (Africa, Americas, Europe, Oceania, Asia).

Get the resource here>>

Our World Map

Our interactive world map shows how children around the world share Christ’s love throughMission Together. We’re building a picture of God’s global Church family!

Find films, prayers, stories and more>>

Inclusive Activities

These lovely craft and creative resources have been specially created in partnership with Remarkably Made Catechesis, to meet the needs of differently abled children and young people.

Get creating here>>

Even more fun things to make and do!

Our activities for home have been specially curated for you to print and go this summer holiday. These free, downloadable activity sheets include simple tasks, quizzes, prayers and adapted scriptures. They’ll help children learn, reflect, and stand in solidarity with children around the world already living in hardship.

Get inspired here>>