In July we pray with Pope Francis that in situations of social, economic and political conflict we may be courageous and passionate in seeking to build bridges of dialogue and friendship.
Friendship is one of life’s gifts and a grace from God.
– Pope Francis
This month’s focus
- We couldn’t agree more with the Holy father’s thoughts on friendship! As COVID-19 restrictions ease, we can all begin reconnecting with those we have missed. Let’s not leave behind the people who have lost friends and family, or who, for whatever reason may continue to feel isolated and excluded.
- This month we’re praying for all school leavers. We know it can be scary and emotional to move on. But we hope that the friendships you’ve formed will give you confidence to set out on your next journey, and you can feel pride in everything you’ve achieved. May God bless you, guide your footsteps, and keep you in his love.
- It’s Plastic Free July! We were so inspired by Fr Innocent Wefon Akum MHM, who shared his mission to clear up waste plastic in his parish in Cameroon and repurpose it as community gardens. Climate change and pollution always hit poor communities the hardest. What can we do here to help shoulder the responsibility of the clean-up, and lighten the load for our sisters and brothers overseas?
- It’s never the wrong time of year for a pilgrimage – but in July the weather is a little more hopeful and many of us are looking forward to time off work and school. Our Pilgrim walks page shares opportunities to get out and about, and walk with God over some of the UK’s most beautiful landscapes. Find suggestions for Pilgrim Walks here>>