October is Mission Month, surrounding and supporting World Mission Sunday: 22 October when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission and missionaries.

Our reflections for Mission Month have now ended. Please visit our prayer pages to find all the ways to join us in prayer today. 

Prayer for the fire of faith

God of faith,

Your son commanded us to go out and make disciples of all nations.

His Apostles set out on foot: their hearts ablaze with the fire of your Good News.

Today, missionaries continue this work, igniting your love and hope wherever there is hardship, darkness and fear.

We pray that we too will find the courage to join this great mission, in the ways that you call each one of us, and be messengers of love to all we meet.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Join Missio for World Mission Sunday on 22 October! Visit missio.org.uk/wms to find everything you need.