At the beginning of a New Year, we are often drawn to discover a ‘New Me’ – but New Year’s Resolutions made in this vein can often turn out to be short-lived, based on how we look or on short term health goals. While there may be a place for such kick-starts, may we suggest a different approach to 2023?
1. Discover your mission with Blessed Pauline Jaricot
‘I lit the match that lit the fire’ – Blessed Pauline Jaricot
Blessed Pauline Jaricot is one of Missio’s founders and its patron. She was beatified in May 2022, after a miracle of healing occurred following a Novena to her.
Blessed Pauline is particularly close to those who are missionaries, and thus to those who are seeking to discern their mission in life.
As a lay missionary, Blessed Pauline reminds us that there are many paths for mission, and that each of us can respond to God’s call in our own unique voice. Why not begin the New Year with our Novena to Blessed Pauline?
You can join in here, or join our online community at to get daily reminders.
2. Pray for the world through the Mission Rosary
‘Peace will come only when the hearts of the world have changed. When the World Mission Rosary is completed, one has embraced all continents, all people in prayer’. – Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen
The World Mission Rosary was created in 1951 by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was the National Director of Missio (Pontifical Mission Societies) in the United States. He saw the need to pray for the whole world. And that need is ever present.
Every week, we bring you five prayer points, one for each of the continents, to hold in your heart as you pray the Mission Rosary. Join our ever-growing Mission Rosary family in 2023!
You can pray with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and via Hozana.
Learn more about the Mission Rosary and contact us to get one here>>
3. Set aside some time for others
‘We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.’ – St Teresa of Calcutta
We know money is tight for a lot of families here in England and Wales, and it’s not always possible to give as we would like to. While every penny and pound you share with Missio counts, and we are grateful for anything you can give, we especially need your prayers, and, if you can spare any, your time!
Volunteers are the backbone of Missio, and our amazing Parish Local Secretaries and Promoters make mission possible. If you’re looking for opportunities to do good in 2023, look no further than our Volunteering page. If you can spend a few days, a day or even an hour or two for Missio, we can turn that into a huge change. We can’t wait to welcome you to our team!
Find out more about opportunities to volunteer here>>
4. Share our mission in under 5 minutes
‘I am Gabriel who stand in God’s presence, and I have been sent to speak to you and bring you this good news.’ Luke 1:5-25
Messengers are so important! And missionaries are messengers who bring the Good News to all people. Sometimes they find themselves in unfamiliar lands, serving people who live very different lives from the ones they have left behind.
You can support missionaries in just a few seconds, by joining us on social media and sharing our posts and links. It takes very little time, but it’s so important; every share grows the Missio family of faith and love. Plus, you’ll never miss our latest news!
You can pray with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and via Hozana.
Thank you!
However and wherever you join Missio, please know that you are making a real difference for thousands of missionaries around the world – and very importantly, for the communities they serve. We give thanks every day for you, and pray for your intentions at daily Mass. If you have a special intention you’d like us to pray for, please contact Missio.
We wish you a blessed, hopeful and successful 2023.