Children across England and Wales are preparing to celebrate the Day of Many Colours – a day for children to celebrate belonging to God’s universal family.
29 June is a time for children to remember how loved and special each and every one of them is. On the Day of Many Colours let’s help them join hands with their sisters and brothers around the world.
What is #DOMC?
Based on the five colours of the Mission Rosary, the Day of Many Colours (#DOMC) encourages children to unite in prayer with their sisters and brothers on every continent: Africa, the Americas, Europe, Oceania, and Asia.
In England and Wales, the Day of Many Colours takes place on 29 June every year to coincide with the feast of two great missionaries, St Peter and St Paul. But it’s also possible to hold your school’s celebration in your own time. In fact, children in every country where the Church is present celebrate this special day on different dates throughout the year.
For all our Day Of Many Colours resources, activities and more, click here>>
Join in
There are so many ways to get involved. Mission Together, Missio’s children’s charity, has been working hard to get everything ready. And we’re really excited to share our special resources with you this year.
As well as a class assembly and a special pupil-led liturgical prayer, we’ve also included plenty of extra fun activities, like games from all the continents, music and song tracks to sing along to, and our Mission Together Virtual Map, which shines a light on the witness of children around the world.
If you’re a teacher or educator, why not encourage your school to join in? You could hold a special mufti day, with each class or year group taking one of the five colours of the Mission Rosary, or even create a giant Mission Rosary on the school field, like the one in the photo above.
Visit our Day of Many Colours webpage to find everything you need.
The Spirit is alive and kicking
This year the talented students at St Martin’s RC Academy have very kindly recorded the Hail Mary for us in ten different languages. Chaplain Lucy Chapman told us:
‘The students have been so enthusiastic. One student came to see me as she’d noticed all the Hail Mary videos on YouTube. She asked if she could take part as she is from the Philippines. How wonderful is this? The power of the Holy Spirit is alive and kicking.’
You can click on the videos here to watch and pray along. Maybe you could say a decade of the Rosary in all of these languages for your Day of Many Colours celebration.
All together now!
The Day of Many Colours is shared in every country where our Church is present. Through the Pope’s charity Mission Together, similar days are held around the world, each with the same aim: to develop in children a missionary spirit of care for others; expressed through prayer, charity, and action.
Let’s join hands for all God’s children on this special day.
In 2020, you raised more than £152,000 for children’s projects around the world. That helped more than 20,000 children, in a year of particularly great need. Thank you so much! You can read more about one such project here>>
For all our Day Of Many Colours resources, activities and more, click here>>