‘Prayer is the Kingdom of God within us’
For many years, Pauline was passionate about many successful charitable ventures. But serious illness at the age of 35 curtailed her ability to work. Such an impact affected her mental health but through prayer and the Eucharist, Pauline discovered a new spiritual fruitfulness.
She would build God’s kingdom with prayer and encourage others to join her in this mission.
Prompt: What obstacles have I overcome in life? What obstacles do I face?
How do these colour my view of the world?
Pauline Jaricot Prayer
God our Father,
we give thanks for your servant,
Blessed Pauline Jaricot, who,
through her commitment to the Gospel
and passion for mission,
began the work of Missio.
Despite carrying many crosses,
she never closed her heart
to the needs of the poor.
Following the example of your Son,
fortified by a life of prayer
and nourished by the Eucharist,
she helped to build your Kingdom
of justice and mercy.
May we, like Blessed Pauline, share our faith humbly and charitably,
and through prayer and action,
work together to make your love known
to all of creation.
Grant through her intercession
the favour I now ask of you…
(here make your petition). Amen.