‘Whom shall I send?’
World Mission Sunday – the one day in the year when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission – will happen on 18 October.
And as we journey to the end of a difficult and frightening year, our theme is a shout of courage and faith:
‘Here I am, send me!’
World Mission Sunday is celebrated in every Catholic community in the world. It’s a moment of grace to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in situations of poverty, violence and oppression.
Pope Francis calls on Catholics to support overseas mission financially through Missio. As the Holy Father’s official charity for world mission, this is such an important date for Missio. We will be inspiring a renewal of mission throughout the month of October, asking Catholics in England and Wales to answer the call to share God’s love.
Through reflection, discussion, and stories on our website, our social media and through our Mission Today magazine, Missio will help you explore your own personal mission in preparation for World Mission Sunday.
We are still here
We’ve joined our Missio family around the world to create a new film, featuring the brave and selfless women and men already making a huge difference in the world’s poorest communities. Aptly called ‘We Are Still Here’, it shows how Missio and our partners throughout our universal Church are present before, during and after a crisis.
Find out more about this year’s World Mission Sunday and view the film here>>
In Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Sunday, he says:
‘The Church continues the mission of Jesus and sends us everywhere so that, through our witness and the proclamation of the Gospel, God may continue to manifest his love and transform hearts, societies and cultures’.
Nowhere is there a stronger witness to God’s love than in the selfless and unending love missionaries have for their communities.
How will we share God’s love?
But we all have a part to play in mission! Ten years ago, Pope Benedict XVI told the crowds in Hyde Park:
‘Each of us has a mission. Each of us is called to change the world.’
That’s as true today as it was 10 years ago and it will still be true tomorrow. Because we believe that together we can build a vibrant Church – and a fairer world for the future. The Missio family helps Churches too poor or too young to support themselves, and you play a major part in that. In this year of uncertainty and fear caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, climate crisis and conflict around the world, it is more important than ever to be a light in the darkness.
All your prayers, and anything you donate today will make a difference to struggling communities throughout the world. Thank you for being part of the Missio family.