These videos are designed to help you pause and reflect for a few moments. Feel free to use them in whichever setting works for you: as a community, a family, at school, or in a quiet moment by yourself.
Lent – a time to be still
Lent – a time to grow
This 3-minute reflection focuses on the importance of prayerful stillness and the holistic care of self and others.
A short reflection focusing on Lent as a time for personal growth and renewal.
Lent – a time to pray
Stations of the Cross
A 3-minute reflection on the meaning of prayer and its importance in uniting and connecting us to God and the people with whom we share our world.
During Lent, we invite you to meditate on the Stations of the Cross, with these beautiful video reflections. Click here to watch>>
St Joseph Reflections
St Joseph is particularly important to the Mill Hill Missionaries, or as they are often known, the St Joseph Missionary Society of Mill Hill.
Click hereto find some short video reflections, adapted from the Mill Hill Missionaries’ Novena to St Joseph, and a special hymn based on Pope Francis’ prayer for the Year of St Joseph that was celebrated in 2020-2021.
Staying connected
Peace: a meditation
A short reflection to help at times when you feel disconnected.
This reflection was created during the COVID 19 pandemic restrictions, but can be used any time.
A mediation based around peace, with original music by Genevieve Robertson.
This reflection was originally created for the Christmas Octave, but can be used at any time.
Sister Nilcéia’s prayer
Compassion: a meditation
This 5 minute prayer film brings together a special prayer sent to Missio from missionary Sister Nilcéia, who is working in Malawi, with photographs from our projects there and original music by Genny Robertson.
A meditation on Compassion, with music arranged and performed by Genevieve Robertson.
This reflection was originally created for the Christmas Octave, but can be used at any time.
Time to get back to normal
The Epiphany: a reflection
Christmas is over. What comes next? A meditation on how things will never be normal again…
This short reflection encourages us all to reflect on the part we play in God’s plan, revealing the love of Christ, His Son, to all.