Fundraising is a brilliant way to raise money in support of missionaries around the world, and the communities and children they serve. We recently received this message from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Crewe, Cheshire, following their special Missio non-uniform day.

On Friday 21 June, the school held a special non-uniform day to raise money for Mission Together, Missio’s children’s branch. The staff and children came to school wearing an item of red clothing to symbolise Red Boxes and support for the ‘Mission Together’ charity.

The aim of the day was to raise awareness and funds to support communities around the world that face significant challenges. These challenges include a lack of clean water, insufficient food, and limited healthcare and educational resources. The children at St Mary’s learned about the hardships faced by others and the importance of global solidarity and compassion.

All Together for Mission!

The response from the school community was wonderful. They raised a whopping total of £391.23 for Mission Together!

This money will help to improve the lives of children in need, providing them with essential resources and opportunities for a better future.

Head Teacher, Mrs Wright, was extremely proud of the children and grateful for the support of the staff and parents in helping to make a difference in the lives of others.

Thank you so much, St Mary’s, for being part of our global missionary family!

About Mission Together

For over 180 years, Missio’s children’s branch – Mission Together (known internationally as Holy Childhood) – has helped children around the world to grow in love of Christ and love of neighbour. In England and Wales, Mission Together’s aim is twofold: to support essential children’s projects in places of poverty and turmoil, and to support the mission of Catholic education through the creation of free catechetical classroom resources.

You can find our resources for children and schools on the Mission Together website, including this year’s focus campaign: Together in India.