‘Of course I want to! Be cured!’
- (Mark 1:41)
Jesus’ ministry always focused on healing. Such healings included that of broken human relationships; the crushed spirits of the oppressed; those afflicted by disease, poverty, disability and mental torment, and the victims of social and religious exclusion. He targeted the most vulnerable and the weakest in society, those most open to God’s healing love. And when the leper asked Jesus if he wanted to heal him, he said, ‘Be cured!’
Fixing what is broken
God’s ongoing mission through his Church is to heal and put back together that which is broken in our world. Thanks to the generous support of people across England and Wales, Missio is helping the Church throughout the world to imitate Jesus’ own ministry of healing.
In the Spring edition of Mission Today (see below attachment), we will read of the progress the Church is making in Rwanda, supporting the long and difficult process of reconciliation after the terrible genocide of the 1980s. They ask for our prayerful support.
Healing divisions
During my recent mission trip to Sri Lanka, I vividly remember a conversation with one of the seminarians at the National Seminary. He explained how after 30 years of violent conflict in the country between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils, there is now peace, but that the process of healing has only just begun. ‘We – the Church – although small and poor, have a vital role to help heal the painful divisions in this country, and bring people together as one. There are Catholics on both sides of the conflict and we need to forgive each other,’ he said, ‘and I speak as a Tamil!’ Read more about our work in Sri Lanka here.
Bearing witness – whatever the cost
Also in The Spring edition also reminds once again of the dangers of proclaiming and witnessing to Jesus Christ in our troubled world. Over the last year at least 28 missionaries were martyred in 14 countries. Many more, no doubt, have suffered the same fate, and are unrecorded. In many places in the world, being a committed Christian is a dangerous business.
I am constantly amazed and inspired by the Church’s courageous ministry of healing across the world, especially in countries where the Church itself is regarded as a threat. When they ask us here whether we want to help them, I know you will join me in saying, ‘Yes, of course we want to!’
Fr Anthony Chantry, Missio National Director
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Mission Today - Spring 2017 |