The Summer 2020 edition of Mission Today looks very different from our usual offering. Missio’s Impact Report focuses on the communities and projects that are flourishing, thanks to our donors’ prayers and ongoing support. In it you’ll find examples of what your loving commitment achieves, and of the difference you’ve made to the lives of so many people around the world.

Helping local missionaries in Cameroon

In 2019, you helped provide crucial support to Internally Displaced families in Cameroon. They had fled to the town of Bamenda in search of safety. They had arrived with nothing – no money, no food, no clothes. Their homes had been burnt, their livelihoods destroyed. And many saw their loved ones brutally murdered, often right in front of their eyes.

Margaret is a lay missionary in Bamenda and is instrumental in identifying families in dire need. Upon receiving financial support from donors, through Missio, Margaret wrote:

‘Your presence in the life of the families around me is unforgettable… On Sunday, our Parish will bring together the Internally Displaced families to celebrate Mass and serve lunch.

Gun shooting has greatly reduced but armed robbery is the order of the day. We continue to entrust all in the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Regards to all who support this fund – thank you’.

Supporting parishes through the COVID-19 pandemic

Recently Fr Richard, a Mill Hill Missionary in Bamenda (right), received funds from the Pope’s Emergency Appeal, which Missio in England and Wales coordinated. Fr Richard shared:

We are grateful to Missio for the funds for the needy and those who are suffering at this time during the global pandemic, in addition to the ongoing political crisis in our region.

The funds will be distributed to our MHM teams in parishes and to be used as per the donor’s intentions.

Once again, thank you. We are coping well under confinement in both our Formation House and Mill Hill House, and our men in parishes are responding as best they can to the needs in their communities, your help and solidarity has reached us exactly when we need it.’

Please consider supporting Missio and communities that need you now, more than ever!

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Download our Mission Today – Impact Report to see how your support makes all the difference