Thank you for joining us each week for our Mission Rosary – Missio’s beautiful way to pray for the world.
During the second week of Advent, we offer our hearts and prayers in pursuit of peace – adding our support to the Holy Father’s call for a ceasefire in all wars across the globe by Christmas. May the Holy Spirit breathe peace and hope into every troubled corner of the world, healing rifts, setting wrongs right, and bringing the peace of Advent to all who live through times of conflict.
‘It is more true than ever that justice, understood as the virtue of giving what is owed to God and others, is closely linked to peace, in the most authentic and proper sense of the Hebrew word “shalom”.’ – Pope Francis
Read about:
- The increase in the arms trade>>
- The Holy Father’s call for a Christmas ceasefire>>
- Our Christmas Appeal>>
Tags: Weekly Mission Rosary