6 January is the Feast of the Epiphany, when Christmastide draws to a close. We’re packing up the decorations, getting back to work and moving on. But before the busyness, the worries about another lockdown, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and any other cares and concerns take hold, let’s take a moment to gaze at the ‘star of wonder’ and contemplate the beautiful, inclusive message of this last Feast of Christmastide.
‘Epiphany: this word indicates the manifestation of the Lord, who, as Saint Paul tells us in the second reading (cf. Eph 3:6), makes himself known to all the nations, today represented by the Magi. In this way, we see revealed the glory of a God who has come for everyone: every nation, language and people is welcomed and loved by him. It is symbolized by the light, which penetrates and illumines all things.’
-Pope Francis, Epiphany 2020
Music arranged and performed by Genevieve Robertson.
Featured Image by Sven Scheuermeier on Unsplash