Book of Remembrance
We remember all living and deceased supporters of Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries at Mass in our chapels.
Mill Hill Priests offer Mass for the deceased in November, and remember them at Mass every Sunday and in their Daily Office.
Books of Remembrance
We include in our online Book of Remembrance the names of people who have supported Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries. The actual Books of Remembrance are held in the Missio chapel in London, and in Freshfield.
Click here to find the names of loved ones who died in 2023*
Click here to find the names of loved ones who died in 2022*
Give in memory
If you would like to give in remembrance of a relative or loved one, you can do so here. You can opt to pass on their name by ticking the ‘
You can send us your prayer intentions by emailing [email protected]
You can also send your Mass offerings to Missio and a Priest in a mission diocese overseas will offer Mass for your intentions. Send your intentions>>
*Please note that this refers to the time Missio was notified
Mr Gerald Abbotts
Mrs Ives Abreo
Mr R P Abreo
Canon Charles Acton
Mr Hugh Acworth
Mrs Mary Kathleen Addison
Mr John Affleck
Ms Margaret Agger
Dr Stephen Agius
Mr Keith Aiston
Mary Alder
Mrs Alma Alexander
Mr James Aibone
Mr George Thomas Allcroft
Miss Elizabeth Allen
Mr Richard Clive Allen
John Allinson
Veronica Allinson
Ms Margaret Ambler
Mrs Margaret Anthony
Mrs Therese Marie Appleton
Mr Peter Arokiasamy
Mrs Veronica Ashbrooke
Patricia Ashby
Mrs Jill Ashley
Mr Michael George Aspinall
Mr John Attwood
Mrs Clarissa Austin
Mr Leslie Ayling
Mrs Jane Badger
Mrs Mary Baggaley
Mr Peter Bailes
Deacon William Baines
Mrs Kathleen Baker
Mr John Roland Charles Balay
Patricia Balay
Dr Marguerite Balhetchet
Mrs Betty Ball
Mr Chris Ball
Mrs Rowena Ball
Dr Marguerite Balhetchet
Peter Bamborough
Patricia Bamsey
Gloria Banda
Mr Michael Barfoot
Mr Peter Barker
Mr Neville Barkshire
Mr Brian Joseph Barnes
Mr David Barnes
Mrs Margaret Constance Barnes
Sheila Barnes
Mrs Mary Patricia Baron
Mr Austin Barradell
Mrs Bernice Alma Barrett
Dr David Barrett
Ms Hillary Barry
Mr Patrick Barry
Mrs Vera Barta
Ms Mary Bartlett
Mr Alan Baxter
Mr John Baxter
Mr Michael Baylis
Mr Ernest John Beades
Mrs Liz Beard
Mandy Bedson
Ms M Behan
Mr John Bennets
Mr Peter Bennett
Mrs Margaret Benson
Mrs Margaret Bentham
Maureen Berry
Mr Thomas Berry
Mrs Frances Mary Betts
Mr Maurice James Bialeck
Mrs Josie Bilsborrow
Miss Jeanne Mary Bisgood
Mr Terence Blane
Mrs Josepha Blay
Mrs Sheila J Boeck
John Bone
Air Cdre John Edward Bore
Mr Wellesley Bourke
Robin Bourne
Leslie Bowen
Mrs Anne Boyle
Margaret Boyle
Mr Bruno Bradley
Irene Bradley
Mr Desmond Bradshaw
Elizabeth Bramley
Mr James Bramwell
Mr Edward (Ted) Brazil
Mr Anthony Brear
Miss Kathleen Brennan
Mrs Daisy Brett-Holt
Mr Newton Bridle
Mr Michael Brigg
Mr Malcolm Brimble
Mrs Catherine Brocklebank
Mr Kevin Brooker
Mrs Brenda Brookes
Mrs Eileen Brooks
Miss J Brown
Mr Paul David Brown
Monsignor Ralph Brown
Mrs Avril Bruce
Miss Iris Bryan
Mr John Bryanhill
Miss Winifred Buchan
John Bugg
Mr Brian Buglehole
May Bunt
Mrs S L Burdick
Mrs Pauline Burgess
Joyce Burgoyne
Mr Alan Burke
Mr Jonathan Burke
Mrs Rosemary Burke
Mrs Philomena Burn
Mr Anthony Paul Burrough
Mrs Brigid Butler
Stephen Butler
Mr Henry James Buxton
Canon Garry Byrne
Mrs Patricia Byrne
Mrs Harriette Cahill
Mr Kenneth Cain
Mrs Barbara Caldwell
Mr Charles Joseph Callaghan
Mr Joseph Callaghan
Mrs Margaret Callaghan
Francis Joseph Calter
Miss Frances Cammack
Mrs Diana Campbell
Mrs Doreen Campbell
Mr John Campbell
Mr Peter (Paddy) Anthony Campbell
Mr Anthony Carey
Mrs Mary Smith Carey
Mrs Rhyd Carless
Mr Andrew Carmichael
Margaret Carr
Mr Lionel Anatole Joseph Carriere
Mrs Catherine Carter
Mr Frank Carvalho
Mr Patrick Carver
Brian Causey
Gerard Cavanagh
Mr Romana Cecchini
Joy Chafer
Dorothy Marie Chamberlain
Robert Leroy Chamberlain
Mr G Chandler
Mr Gerald Desmond Chapple
Mrs Elisabeth Chatterjee
Father Paul Chavasse
Mrs Eliza Gretchen Chavez
Mrs Catherine Jane Child
Mr John Choyce
Mrs Bernadette Christie
Mr Philip Clark
Ann Clarke
Mr Patrick Clarke
Tony Clarke
Mr Brian Clay
Mrs Gertrude Clayton
Mrs Margaret Cleary
Mrs Ann Cleeve
Mr John Close
Mr Wilfred Coates
Mr Alfred Lawrence Cockburn
Margaret Cogger
Father Anthony Cogliolo
Father Michael Cole
Mr John James Vincent Coleman
Mr Jim Collins
Miss Theresa Collins
Mrs Mary Collis
Miss Mary Theresa Conlan
Ms Felicity Connell
Mr S Connick
Mr Michael Connolly
Mrs Ann Marie Connor
Joan Constable
Mr Francis Conway
Mrs Kathleen Connelly
Patrick Cooke
Mrs Jemima Cookson
Canon Michael Cooley
Mr James Edwin Coope
Mrs Alice Cooper
Mr Edward Cooper
Mr George Leslie Cooper
Mrs Bridget Copley
Ms Margaret Copson
Mrs Bridget Corcoran
Mrs Mary Corr
Victor Correa
Mrs Alma Bernadette Corrie
Mrs Angela Corrigan
Mr Christian Anthony Couldery
Mr Jean Cowie
Mrs Elizabeth Cox
Mrs Ann Bernadette Coyle
Mrs Julie Cranston
Mrs Barbara Crawford
Mr Frank Crawford
Mr Terence Crease
Mrs C Crellin
Mr John Cripwell
Mr Anthony Croly
Mr John Crompton
Canon Jeremiah Cronin
Father David Cullen
Miss Marie Culshaw
Mr Paul Culshaw
Mr M Cumberbrick
Mr Joseph Cunningham
Mrs Kathleen Anne Cunningham
Mr Michael Cunningham
Patricia Cunnington
Mr David Curran
Canon Thomas Dakin
Audrey Dale
Father John Daley
Mrs Kathleen Daley
Father Michael James Daley
Mr Michael Darwin
Mr Michael Davidson
Mr Davies
Mrs Lydia Davies
Mr Alfred Davison
Miss Margaret Brenda Davitt
Miss Brigid Dawes
Mr Keith Dawson
Mr Roy Albert Day
Giovanna De Franco
Mr Terry Deery
Ms Brigid Josephine Delaney
Mrs Frances Delaney
Mrs Pam Deli
Mr Patrick Dempsey
Mr William Dempsey
Mr Anthony Denman
Mr David John Dennison
Mr Tony Deponio
Bernard Devereaux
Ms Marie Devine
Mary Dhillon
Mr James Dickson
Mr Keith Dines
Ms Moira Sylvia Dinsdale
Mrs Rose Mary Dique
Mrs Patricia Dixon
Mr John Dolan
Mr Patrick Dolan
Mrs Sharon Donnison
Mrs Bernadette Donovan
Mrs Diana Donovan
Mr John Donovan
Mrs Patricia Doodson
Mr Anthony Dorrity
Mr Gary Dowland
Mrs Daphne Downing Murphy
Mr Gerald Doyle
Mr John Doyle
Mr John Drew
Mr Christopher John Drury
Mrs Maria D’Souza
Ms Ann Dunn
Mr John Dunn
Mrs Mary Dunne
Mr Matthew Dunne
Margaret Dunnings
Mr Joseph Durham
Mrs Susan Audrey Durie
Mary Eales
Mrs Winifred Josephine Eccles
Mr Guillermo Echeverria
Mr Anthony Howard Edge
Mr John Colin Edwardson
Frances Helene Ellingsen
Mr John Ernest Ellwood
Mrs Catherine Elson
Mrs Marie Espinasse
Mr John Euston
Mr Adrian Evans
Mrs Christina Evans
Mr Clifford Everest
Mr Alan Exton
Michael Eyre
Mrs Angela Fairweather
Mr Brian Fanning
Mrs Pauline Farmer
Mr Edmund Farrell
Miss Teresa Farrell
Mr Terry Farthing
Mary Faubert
Mrs Megan Fay
Mr Anthony Fearn
Mrs Moira Feeney
Mrs Martha Feleppa
Mrs R Felix
Father Malcolm Ferrier
Mr Frank Ferris
Mrs Moyra Finnigan
Mr Joseph Fisher
Mr Martin Fisher
Mrs Patricia Fisher
Mr Jeffrey Fitton
Mr James Fitzgerald
John Pascal Fitzgerald
Miss Mary Winifred Fitzpatrick
Mr Edward Flannery
Ms Maria Flanney
Dianne Fletcher
Miss Angela Flexen
Mr Dean Flood
Mr Bill Folds-Hall
Mr Alfred John Folland
Jeffrey Follows
John Forshaw
Miss Hazel Joan Fort
Mrs Vivienne Forwood
Mr Brian William Foster
Mr Edward John France
Mrs Eileen Frappier
Miss Vida Freeman
Peter Firth
Dr John Fsadni
Mr Louis Arthur Gabriel
Mrs Kathleen Gallagher
Mr Paul Gallagher
Mr Stanley Gallagher
Mr William Gallagher
Mrs Patricia Anne Garrett
Mr Leo Garvey
Mr Gavin Gaunt
Mrs Gillian Gaunt
Philomena Gavillett
Mr Richard Gavillett
Mrs Sheila Gerrard
Mr Gerald Gibbons
Hilda Gibbons
Maureen Gibbs
Father John Gildea
Mrs Gilkes
Mr George Gillespie
Mrs Chris Gillette
Mr William Gillibrand
Mrs Mary Alma Gillon
Miss Cecilia Gilroy
Mr John Ginty
Kay Glazier
Mrs Sheila Gleave
Mrs Eileen Goddard
Ms Linzi Goddard
Mr Peter Gollaglee
Mr Jerome Golley
David Gooch
Mr Richard Gordon
Mrs Ann Gorman
Mrs Mary Gorman
Mrs Christina Josephina Gormley
Mrs Mary Graham
Mr Peter Graham
Mr Richard Graham
Mrs S Graham
Mr Terry Grainger
Mr Henry Robert Joseph Grant
Mrs Bernadette Gray
Mrs Margaret Greaves
Mr Anthony Green
Mary Green
Mrs Bridget Greenan
Mr Francis Greenan
Anne Elizabeth Greenhalgh
Eileen Greenhalgh
Mr Walter Grey
Miss Anne Griffin
Ms Jane Grundy
Mr J Gunby
Mrs Christina Haden
Kathleen Hagan
Mrs Anne Haigh
Mrs Marie Joan Haldane
Mrs Patricia Halligan
Judy Halsall
Maureen Halsall
Father Robert Halshaw
Mrs Mildred Hand
Mrs Stephanie Hanks
Mrs Philomena Hanmore
Mr David Richard Hanney
Brigid Hannon
Eileen Hanrahan
Mrs Isabelle Harding
Mr Patrick Hare
Margaret Teresa Hargaden
Alice Harkin
Eileen Harkin
Mrs Margaret Harkin
Brenda Harmer
Mrs Maureen Harper
Mrs Elizabeth Margaret Harries
Mr Geoffrey Harrington
Father Richard Harriott
Mr Mike Harrison
Nicholas Hart
Mrs Aileen Hasdell
Monsignor George Hay
Mrs Ann Hayes
Mr Bernard Hayes
Mrs Ellen Hayes
Mrs Margaret Hayes
Veronica Hayes
Mrs Gloria Hayhurst
Mrs Johanna Patricia Healy
Joan Heaton
Angela Helm
Mr Anthony Henry
John Henry
Lena Herdman
Mr Hubert Hesselmann
Dr Elizabeth Higgins
Mr Kevin Higgins
Mr Henry Hill
Ms Patricia Hill
Miss Winifride Dorothea Hill
Mrs Kathleen Hills
Mr Jeffrey Hindle
Mrs Margaret Mary Hindle
Jean Hindmarsh
Miss Anna Histon
Kenneth Joseph Hodge
Imelda Hodkinson
Mr Brian Hogan
Patricia Hogg
Mrs Cathleen Holberson
Kathleen Holbinson
Mrs Agnes Paula Holden
Anne Holden
Mr Philip Ernest Holland
Mr James Holleran
Mrs Frances Hooper
Mr Patrick Horbury
Mr John Horne
Miss Kathleen Horwood
Moira Houghton
Mr Patrick Howard
Mrs Mary Anne Howells
Mr Philip Henry Hudson
Mr William Hudson
Mrs Melita Grace Hughes
Mr Timothy Hughes
Mrs Julia Hull
Mrs Joan Hunt
Mr Ralph Hunt
Mr Christopher Husbands
Mr Malcolm Hutchinson
Mr Richard Hyde
Mr Raymond Illingworth
Jean Ingham
Eileen Ireland
Miss Barbara Ivey
Mr Arthur Jackson
Mr Colin Jackson
Mr Malcolm Jackson
Miss Margaret Mary Jackson
Pietro Janna
Carmel Jayasuriya
Sheila Jenkins
Mrs Joan Jenkinson
Anton Jeyaselvan Jeyaseelan
Gnanapragasam Vincent Jeyseelan
Mrs Betty Johnson
Mrs Christine Johnson
Mary Winifred Johnson
Margaret Johnston
Mr Neville William Johnston
Mrs Deborah Jane Jones
Miss Grania Jones
Father Henry Jones
Mr Leonard Jones
Mr Michael Jordan
Mr Patrick Jordan
Mr Charles Jupp
Mr Kenneth Kavanagh
Miss Jennifer Keane
Miss P Kearns
Mrs Rose Kearns
Ms Maureen Kelleher
Mr Bernard Kelly
Mr Denis Kelly
Eve Kelly
Mr Joseph Kelly
Mrs Mary Kelly
Mr Michael Kelly
Mr P Kelly
Mrs Theresa Kelly
Beryl Kennedy
Peter Kennedy
Mr James Kennelly
Mrs Imelda Kerr
Mrs Sheila Kerr
Mr Frederick Joseph Kettell
Miss Pauline Kieran
Mrs Elizabeth (Betty) Kimmins
Mr Paul Stephen King
Mrs Elizabeth Kingett
Mrs Majorie Kinne
Mr Robert Kirby
Mrs Margaret Kirk
Mrs Margaret Kirkham
Mrs Mary Kirwin
Mrs Christine Kitchen
Mr Joseph Kitching
Mrs Bridget Knight
Mrs Margaret Knight
Mrs Patricia Knight
Evelyn Kolodziejski
Mrs Bridget Krasinska
Mr Aubrey La’Bouchardiere
Mrs Jessica Lake
Ms Joan Lally
Mr Alexander Lamond
Ms R Langan
Mr Peter Larke
Ita Larkin
David Lavelle
Mrs Dorothy Lavelle
Mr John Lavelle
Miss Stella Mary Lavelle
Ms Mary Lavender
Mrs Kathleen Lavin
Mr Gerard Lawler
Mrs Mary Lawley
Mr Stephen Lawlor
Marie Lawrie
Mrs Patricia Lawson
Mr Jack Leatherbarrow
Agnes Lee
Father Gerard Lee
John Lee
Father Mark James Leenane
Mr Kenneth Laurence Leftwich
Mrs Cindy Lek Chin Leuk
Mrs Paula Leo
Mrs Edith Mary Lewis
Mrs Mary Lewis
Harry Leyland
Ellen Lightfoot
Mr James Lightfoot
Mr Eddie Lister
Stacey Little
Mr Edward Peter Lodge
Mr John Loftus
Father Paul Lomas
Mrs Eileen Lonergan
Mrs Eileen Long
David Longrigg
Monica Lowe
Mr John Lower
Anne Lucas
Mrs Rosina Lucas
Mrs Rita Luke
Miss Helen Catherine Lunt
Miss Mary Lycett
Sandra Lynch
Ms Sarah Alice Lynch
Mr Philip John Lyne
Mr James Lynskey
Mrs Carol Lyonette
Mr Colin Lyonette
Mr John Mac Neice
Mrs Pamela Mac Neice
Mrs Pat MacDonald
Mrs Gwen Mace
Mrs S Mackain-Brenner
Mrs M MacKay
Ms Anne Maddocks
Mrs Cynthia Maguire
Valerie Maguire
Mr James Maher
Vincent Mainey
Mr John Mair
Mr Peter Makin
Mr John Malarkey
Mrs Gail Mallender
Mrs Eileen Malloy
Mrs Elizabeth Manning
Mrs Elizabeth May Markey
Margaret Markey
Mrs Patricia Marter
Mr David Noren Allan Martin
Mr James Eugene Martin
Mr William Martin
Mr Peter Mason
Deacon Robert Mason
Mr Harold Massey
Mrs Mary Massey
David Matthews
Mr William May
Mr Boris Mayfield
Mr James Mayne
Father Barry McAllister
Mr John McAndrew
Mr Robert McArdle
Mr Gerard McCabe
Mr David McCann
Father George McCann
Mrs Moira McCarthy
Mr James McCourt
Mr Robert Donaldson McCurrach
Father Kevin McDevitt
Mr Thomas Joseph McDonagh
Linda McDonald
Father Brian McEvoy
Mr Michael McEvoy
Mrs Eileen McEwan
Mrs Cecilia McGarry
Mr Simon McGarry
Mr Patrick McGeough
Mr John McGettigan
Mrs Patricia McGettigan
Mrs Pauline McGhee
Mr Kenneth McGouran
Mary McGrail
Father Owen McGreal
Mrs Joan McGuinness
Mrs Lilian McGuirk
Mr Kevin McHale
Mr Michael McHale
Mr Norman McIntyre
Father John McKeon
Mrs Mary McKeown
Mr Charles McMahon
Mary Colette McMahon
Mr William Joseph McMahon
Bernard McManamon
Mary McManamon
Mrs Teresa McMullan
Mr Kenneth McNally
Marie McNally
Mrs Teresa McNeill
Mrs Irene McNicholas
Mr T McNicholas
Mary Mead
Mrs Margaret Meir
Mrs Margaret Mendez
Leonardo Mendoza
John Mercer
Mrs Paula Faine Meynell
Mr Lawrence Micallef
Mr Henry Errol Midwinter
Mr Albert Mifsud
Peter Milham
Ms Catalina Miller
Mrs Elizabeth Millington
Alison Mills
Bernard Mitchell
Dr Peter Mitchell
Father Patrick Moloney
Mr Stephen Paul Monaghan
Mr Stephen Moon
Pat Mooney
Cathie Moran
Mrs Alison Joyce Marjorie Eaton Morell
Mr Thomas Noel Morris
Ashley Morrish
Mr Paul Morrison
Betty Mosses
Michael Mowbray
Dr Michael Mower
Mr Allan Muir
Monsignor Thomas Mulheran
Ms Margaret Mullen
Mr Michael Mulroy
Mr David Murphy
Mary Murphy
Dr Maura Murphy
Mrs Monica Murphy
Mr Brendan Murray
Mrs Mary Murray
Mrs Sheila Myatt
Pat Myers
Mr M Nagle
Mrs Muriel Christine Napier-Kowski
Father Peter Nealon
Betty Needham
Rosemary Negus
Christine Nellis
Mrs Patricia Nelson
Mr Virgilio Bertie Nesti
Mrs Patricia Neville
Terence Newman
Mr Tony Nicholson
William Nicholson
Mrs Phyllis Niemczyk
Mr Thomas Nixon
Miss Eileen Noakes
Mrs Bernadette Noon
Christine Normand
Christopher Norris
Mrs Georgette North
Mr Michael Norton
Mr John O’Brien
Mr Desmond O’Callaghan
Mr Brian O’Connell
Mr David Anthony O’Connor
Mrs Mary O’Connor
Mr Francis Dennis O’Donnell
Nina O’Donnell
Susan O’Donnell
Mrs Ann O’Donoghue
Mrs Mary O’Donoghue
Margaret O’Driscoll
Mr Patrick O’Flanagan
Maurice O’Gorman
Mrs Gloria O’Hanlon
Mr John Anthony O’Kelly
Mrs Sheila O’Leary
Mrs Pam Oliver
Mr Gerald O’Neill
Mrs Katherine O’Neill
Alan Openshaw
Patricia Openshaw
Mr James Orde
Mr Patrick O’Rourke
Mrs Eileen O’Sullivan
Eileen O’Toole
Eileen Owens
Henrietta Owens
David Francis Owgan
Mrs Margaret Pakes
Mr Michael Pakes
Mrs Josie Palin
Mrs Maura Palmer
John Parish
Mr David Parker
Mr Peter Parkinson
Mr John Parkman
Miss Catherine Parry
Mary Parsons
Elizabeth Patrick
Mr John Vivian Payne
Mrs Veronica Peace
Mrs Bernadette Pearson
Kathleen Pedley
Winifred Perkins
Mrs Rita Maureen Phillips
Mrs Margaret Philpot
Ronald Philpott
Ursula Pickering
Mr John Pill
Mrs Kathleen Pill
Sylvia Pimblett
John Pinhay
Arlina Pinto
Patricia Pitcher
Mrs Nancy Place
Ronald (Ron) Plumer
Mr Cecil Alexis Pocock
Winifred Poland
Mrs Pollard
Mr Richard Pope
Mrs Pauline Powell
Mr Tom Power
David Preston
Mrs Eileen Price
Mrs Elizabeth Prince
Father Malcolm Prince
Mrs Annie Pryor
Angela Pugh
Mrs Carole Pugh
Eileen Purcell
Mr Kenneth Purvis
Jean Pyke
Mary Rainey
Mr Ivor Ramsbotham
Mrs Doreen Ramsden
Mr Vincent Ramsden
Mr Brian George Ratcliffe
Patricia Ratcliffe
Mr James Rauer
Mrs Irene Rawcliff
Professor Brian Ray
Mrs Cecilla Ray
Mr Colin Rayworth
Father David Rea
Mr Michael Reddy
Mrs Sadie Redmond
Beryl Reid
Derek Rhodes
Mr John Richardson
Mrs Rosi Richardson
Miss Mary Rickards
Mrs Barbara Riley
Barbara Riley
Derek Riley
Mr John Riley
Mrs Paula Rimmer
Peter Anthony Ringham
Pauline Roberts
Mrs Hilary Robinson
Mr John Robinson
Mrs Kathleen Robinson
Mr Vincent Robinson
Mr Simon Leslie Rodgers
Mr Terence Rodrigues
Mrs Patricia (Pat) Rogers
Mrs Veronica Rogers
Mr Ronald Rolfe
Mr Mick Rooney
Mr Rodney Rothery
Mrs Teresa Roughley
Mary Rowley
Mr Peter Rudd
Father Peter William Alexander Rudd
Mrs Lurline Rumsby
Mr Antoni Russell
Mr Ian Bruce Russell
Miss Beryl Mary Ruth
Mr Kevin Ryan
Mrs Sybil Ryan
Mrs Ann Sacco
Mrs Vera Saint
Mrs Gwen Sankey
Mr John Sankey
Terri Saunders
Mr William Saunders
Mr Edward Anthony Sawyer
Miss Ann Scamell
Ms Mary Schneider
Emma Scott
David Scullion
Mrs Daphne Sears
Paul Sefton
Mr Anthony Dennis Selina
Mrs Pamela Shallow
Mrs Erika Shattock
Mr George Shattock
Ms Anne Shaw
Mr Frank Shaw
Mrs Jean Shaw
Mrs Sylvia Shepherd
Mrs J Sheppard
Miss Anne Sheridan
Ms Winifred Sheridan
Lynn Sherliker
Mrs Bridget Shewring
Mr Peter Shields
Mr Peter John Shiner
Mr Francis Short
Mrs Maria Siewright
Mrs Eileen Silvester
Mrs Margaret Simms
Mr Robert Simms
Mr Vincent Simpkin
Mrs Dorothy Simpson
Mrs Phyllis Sinnott
Doreen Skitterall
Father Francis Slater
Mr Michael Sloan
Mrs Agnes Smith
Miss Barbara Smith
Betty Smith
Mr James Smith
Olwen Maud Smith
Mr Peter Smith
Mr Robert Smith
Mr Michael Soubry
Mrs Susan Jane Southey
Mr Stanley Spackman
Canon Daniel Spaight
Maureen Spencer
Mr Michael Arthur Stanton
Mrs Elizabeth Stanyer
Irene Steel
Mrs Barbara Stephenson
Ms Alice Stevens
Mr Brian Francis Stevens
Mr Douglas James Stevens
Mrs Margaret Stewart
Mrs Yvonne Stewart
Mrs Joan Stitson
Mrs Eileen Stokes
Ms Helen Sophie Davidson Stokes
Mr Tony Stone
Hilda Stratton
Derek Sullivan
Mr David Ronald Sumner
Mr Geoffrey Sutcliffe
Barbara Swarbrick
Mr Bernard Swinburn
Mr Peter Swinnerton
Mrs Pat Tarran
Mrs Annemarie Taylor
Mr Desmond Taylor
Mrs Teresa Florence Taylor
Viscount William Tenby
Mrs Pauline Thaha
Mrs Bridget Thomas
Mr Harry Thompson
Mrs Lesley Teresa Thompson
Mrs Margaret Thompson
Muriel Thompson
Mr Terry Thompson
Mr William Thompson
Mr Gordon Thomson
Mr Clifford Malcolm Thorpe
Mrs Agnes Thurstance
Michael Timony
Mr Michael Tong
Mr Clarence Townsley
Mr Robert Tunks
Mr Brian Francis Turner
Mr William David Turvey
Christopher Tyler
Mrs Anne Unitt
Mr Peter Vaughan
Mrs Ursula Catherine Ventre
Mr Vickers
Miss Anne Vickery
Mrs Margaret Patricia Vint
Mrs Mildred Von Fragstein
Mr William Anthony Wales
Mrs B M Walker
Mrs Bridget Walker
Mrs Dawn Walker
Mr Donald Arthur James Walker
Louisa Walker
Mrs Anne Wallace
Mrs Jeanne Wallace
Mr John Walton
Mr Clarence Scurfield Wanless
Mr Patrick Ward
Mrs Stella Ward
Annette Waring
Mr Francis Wass
Mr Michael Waters
Mrs Anne Watson
Peter Watson
Mrs Margaret Webber
Ms Maureen Webster
Mr Frederic Weir
Mr Welch
Joseph (Joe) Weldon
Mrs Louise Whalley
Mrs Marie Teresa Whalley
Mr Peter Reginald Wheeler
Mrs Mary Whelan
Dr Bernard Whim
Mr Bernard Dominic White
Mrs Juanita White
Mrs Margaret White
Mary Teresa White
Father David Whitehead
Mr Brian Russell Whiteley
Mrs Carol Whiteley
Ms Maureen Whitfield
Mr Paul Christopher Whitfield
Mr John Whiting
Mr Herbert Whittaker
Mrs Louise Whittaker
Margaret Wickstead
Mrs G Widdowson
Eileen Wierny
Canon Peter Wilkie
Mrs Dorothy Wilkinson
Miss Gladys William
Mrs Williams
Mrs Iris Williams
Mr Leonard Williams
Margaret Williams
Mrs Marie Williams
Mrs Valerie Williams
Ann Wilson
Brian Wilson
Mrs Gwen Wilson
Mr Harry Wilson
Mr Tim Wilson
Mr John Winch
Mr Graham Roger Womersley
Alan Wood
Mr Andrew Wood
Mr Mark Wood
Miss Patricia Woodbridge
Miss Susan Woodbridge
Mr Colin Woods
Miss Mary Woods
Mrs Sheila Wooloff
Mr Howard Wooster
Thomas Wragg
Ms Sara Wykes
Ms Milan Yee
Mrs Anne Young
Mr Anthony (Tony) Zammit
Mrs Maria Zammit