61-year-old Vanny is a kindergarten teacher at the Our Lady of the Assumption Kindergarten in Cambodia. The school is one of many projects supported by Missio in this parish, which is very large and encompasses not only the church and kindergarten, but also a study centre and hostel, a catechesis centre, and playing fields. On a recent mission trip, we were privileged to meet Vanny, who told us what the kindergarten, and Missio, mean to her and her thriving community.

Space for everyone

The friendly parish compound is a vibrant place. Even at quieter times, there’s plenty of activity with large numbers of young people gathering here. There are education and training programmes for people with disabilities and it’s very clear that the Church is providing a community hub for Catholics and Buddhists alike.

Parents can trust that their children will be safe while they go to work

‘The kindergarten has a good impact in the community,’ shares Vanny. ‘First of all because the parents trust the kindergarten school; they trust they can leave their kids with us, and that means they can go to work. That has a great impact.’

Although overall, Cambodia’s economic situation is slowly improving, rural communities are still at the sharp edge of poverty and education is one area where this most clear. But, with help from Missio supporters like you, the parish provides food, uniforms, bags, and maintenance for the school buildings. As many children are from very poor families, both Catholic and Buddhist, they often come to school having had no breakfast. So being able to provide lunch and two snacks each day for all the children is a huge benefit.

Thanks to the kindergarten, supported by Missio, the children can get the best start in life and go to school with confidence and hope

‘This kindergarten has really gained the trust of the parents,’ says Vanny. ‘When they send their children here, and they then go to primary school, they are ahead of the rest. They excel! After coming to this kindergarten and being supported by the mission, when they move on to primary school they know more than other children.’

A space for hope

The lives of the people in this community can be very hard. Often parents, whose work is not secure, have to pack up and leave their homes, with many of them going to nearby Thailand in search of work. But Vanny has hope, and seeing the difference the school makes, she’s determined to continue:

 ‘What really inspires me to continue teaching here is love and my passion to serve and to teach the children. I have hope that the children will have a good future and become good citizens, because of the kindergarten; because of what they learn from the school.’

Thank you for helping us!

Thanks to your contributions to our children’s projects, these children can be happy and safe, knowing they’re loved by God and by us

Vanny warmly thanks Missio and Mission Together supporters in England and Wales. She asks you not to give up, ‘because through your ongoing support you can really make a difference in our society!’

As with all schools, there are always things that need doing, fixing, and upgrading. For example, Vanny explains, in the hottest months, temperatures can reach 38°C and the kindergarten has little shade. The playground becomes unbearably hot, so a canopy or sunshade would provide shade to the little ones and protect against heatstroke and exhaustion.

Vanny shares:

‘On behalf of the teachers and parents, we send blessings. Blessings to all the supporters. That God may continue to bless you generously, because you are very generous to those in need, especially those here in this centre.’

Thank you for helping Vanny be a ‘Pilgrim of Hope’ in her community! Please continue your generous support, through prayers for the school and community, and giving what you can. You can watch Vanny’s interview here: