There was a prophetess, Anna… She was now 84 years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayer.
– Luke 2:36-40
Today is Day 6 of the Octave of Christmas. We celebrate the intergenerational nature of our Church family; particularly the wisdom and experience of the older generation. Pope Francis has acknowledged the vital role the older generation play in the life of the Church. He says:
‘Old age is…a precious treasure that takes shape in the journey of every man and woman’s life, whatever their origins, background, or economic or social conditions’
Prayer for the sixth day of the Octave
Lord God,
Inspired by the example of Anna
We give thanks for the elders of our families and community,
whose witness and service strengthen the mission of the Church around the world.
We ask you to bless them for their faithfulness and love
and hold them in your ever loving care.
Focus for today
Today our focus is wisdom. How can we open our minds and learn from God and each other?
Find a quiet place. Perhaps light a candle. Take a moment to listen to the voice of God.
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31 December: Day 7 of the Octave of Christmas>>