‘Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: “The Lord is our righteousness”.’ – Jeremiah 33:14-16
In the depths of national crisis, Jeremiah spoke of hope. He was speaking at a time of huge corruption and conflict, yet his words carry an extraordinary promise that still resonates today. In an era of rulers who pursued self-interest at the expense of their people’s wellbeing, Jeremiah’s prophecy cut through the darkness like a blade of light.
God promises new growth: a ‘righteous branch’. This image of an organic, living hope speaks to the cyclical nature of renewal – and the persistence needed to push on; to grow and evolve, even when we live through barren times.
Hope requires a leap of faith. Jeremiah’s people were asked to trust in a future which they could not see, and which many – born into a time of war and want – could probably not even imagine. And their wait would stretch not merely across years, but generations. What a test of faith!
The need for hope
There are children in the world today who have never known anything but conflict. North-west Cameroon is one such region, where children are growing up amid a devastating conflict between the military and separatists.
Sadly, this conflict has continued for years. Terror and brutality abound; teachers have been attacked, students kidnapped, and many schools forced to close, leaving thousands of children without an education – and often without a safe home.
Into this time of fear and chaos, Fr Léon, a Mill Hill Missionary and the Parish Priest in Fundong, is building an environment of hope. Working hand-in-hand with the local community, particularly with parents and teachers, he has launched vital initiatives such as a youth choir and a young adults’ farming project. He has also helped construct new rural classrooms, offering displaced children a desperately needed safe space, where they can learn, grow, and find hope through their faith.
Fr Léon recognises that, while his community must wait for peace, they can’t wait to hope. He is not only giving hope, but he is an instrument of living hope; planting gardens and nurturing young minds so that they can dare to imagine a different world and a better tomorrow for themselves.
A call to hope is a call to action
So many of our sisters and brothers are living in times of chaos and despair. But during Advent, we are called by the prophets to remember that despair is a luxury we cannot afford – we cannot give in to the temptation of becoming overwhelmed and doing nothing. By contrast, hope is an action. It is something we must commit to and implement; something we must live and breathe.
Fr Léon knows that the odds stacked against his community are vast. In this environment, his mission speaks of brave and unrelenting hope. Each time the Holy Angels Youth Choir raise their voices in song, or plant seedlings in their gardens, they are delivering a powerful message of hope – a defiant message that against all the threats and troubles that surround them, there is still their powerful hope for the future.
Jeremiah challenges us to recognise that we are called to bring God’s hope to all nations. Together, through our joyful, committed, and active hope we can bring all our sisters and brothers to the path of hope – the way of the Lord.
As Advent begins, let us strive to open our ears and hearts to God, as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour.
If you would like to support Fr Léon and these inspiring young people, along with many other missionaries and struggling faith communities throughout the world, please consider giving a gift to our Christmas Appeal today.
Voices of hope
We are so happy and inspired to hear the voices of the wonderful Holy Angels Youth Choir! This special Advent hymn, written for Missio by Claud Fullwood, has been arranged by Fr Léon for his choir to perform.
A prayer for hope
Jesus, Light of the World,
You are the star that guides us;
The courage that strengthens us;
The promise that sustains us.
As we begin our Advent journey
May we, in turn, light the way of our sisters and brothers living in despair;
Reaching beyond present darkness,
To bring the light of your hope.