Thank you very much for your kind gift
Payment Complete: Thank you for your donation.
Your regular gift of {total_amount} will go to {campaign:value}, on the occasion of {relationship_name}’s {celebration}.
A payment will be taken {Frequency:33:value}, starting on {Starting Date:34}.
Donor | {Name (First)} {Name (Last)} |
Date | 06/02/2025 |
Total Donation | {total_amount} |
Donation | {campaign} |
Donation ID | {entry_id} |
Payment Method | Direct Debit |
Opt-in Post | {optpost :22.1}
{optpost :22.2} {optpost :22.3} |
If you have any queries or would like to know more about Missio’s work, please email [email protected] or call our office on 020 7821 975 during office hours.
Thank you again for your generosity and your prayerful support,
Fr Anthony Chantry